T1 Creeping Bentgrass
The #1 darkest green bentgrass variety in the world.
Titanium 2LS Tall Fescue
Titanium 2LS exemplifies the perfect high-quality turfgrass; it’s dark green, very dense and has excellent wear tolerance.
Titanium G-LS Tall Fescue
Titanium G-LS (PPG-TF 255) has the top 2020 NTEP score on overall turf quality ratings, scoring in the top 25% more than 68% of the time.
Traverse 2 SRP Tall Fescue
Tuff Turf Tall Fescue Blend
Tuff Turf was created as economical, but higher quality option to K-31 or Fawn, the older forage type fescues.
Valkyrie LS Tall Fescue
Valkyrie LS is a top-rated NTEP performer. Thanks to it’s Lateral Spread™ technology , Valkyrie LS scored high marks in wear tolerance.
Xanadu Tall Fescue
Xanadu is currently certified with the Alliance for Low Input Sustainable Turf.
Zion Tall Fescue
Zion is currently certified with the Alliance for Low Input Sustainable Turf.