007 Creeping Bentgrass
Versatile. Excellent Dollar Spot resistance. Heat and cold tolerance. Cool temperature growth. Poa annua resistant. Superior salt tolerance. Broad adaptation.
365ss Kentucky Bluegrass
A revolutionary new bluegrass blend that offers the best of what sports turf professionals demand.
4th Millennium Tall Fescue
4th Millennium SRP is the latest generation of the Millennium varieties from Turf Merchants!
5-Iron Perennial Ryegrass Blend
5-Iron is second to none. Dark deep color, fast establishing and is a proven performer in any situation.
777 Creeping Bentgrass
Great performance for all greens mowing heights.
Acoustic Kentucky Bluegrass
Acoustic (PPG-KB 1131) is a top performer in the NTEP trial overall mean quality.
After Midnight Kentucky Bluegrass
After Midnight is carrying on the Midnight tradition of excellent quality with improvements that make it even more versatile than the original.
Alpha Creeping Bentgrass
Championship conditions without the championship maintenance. Unparalleled ground coverage and density, ball marks and divots heal rapidly. Brown patch resistance equal to the best. Makes visible gains on Poa annua each year.
Avenger III Tall Fescue
Bewitched Kentucky Bluegrass
From Major League Baseball fields to municipal parks to backyards, Bewitched Kentucky Bluegrass has proven itself on a variety of “fields of play.”
Blue Note Kentucky Bluegrass
Compact America type bluegrass featuring excellent color, texture, density and shade tolerance under normal to moderate fertility management.
Bonfire Tall Fescue
Bonfire tall fescue is a new variety in the Jacklin Seed line up of tall fescues with superior quality and durability.
Centennial Creeping Bentgrass
Centennial bentgrass blend offers the ideal solution for your golf and fine turf applications
Daybreak Tall Fescue
Illuminating Turf Quality & Disease Resistance
DOMINANT X-TREME 7 Creeping Bentgrass
Fast germination, strong seedling vigor and rapid establishment
Dynamite GLS Tall Fescue
Dynamite G-LS (PPG-TF 254) is a fall standout for turfgrass quality.
Everest Kentucky Bluegrass
Ranked near #1 against Microdochium pink snow mold, Typhula, leaf spot, spring melting out, anthracnose, leaf rust, stem rust, dollar spot, stripe smut, anthracnose, and summer patch
Fahrenheit 90 TX-Hybrid Kentucky Bluegrass
Texas Hybrid Kentucky Bluegrass
Fastlane Tall Fescue
Take the lead with Fastlane
Firecracker GLS Tall Fescue
Firecracker G-LS natural dark color, density, and pest resistance minimize the need for extensive maintenance. Generally 2 to 3 pounds of nitrogen as part of a balanced fertilizer applied annually is all that’s required. Cutting heights should range between 2 to 3 inches. Under controlled conditions heights down to 1 inch can be satisfactorily maintained.
Flagstick Creeping Bentgrass
The long term development ensures Flagstick will have superior performance wherever you plant it on your course.
Grid Iron Bluegrass-Ryegrass Mixture
Grid Iron will take a lickin’ and keep on growing when the players come a stompin’
Little Buckaroo Native Mixture
Little Buckaroo Native Mixture consists of three intermediate height (up to 3.5 feet) warm season grasses (Prairie Dropseed, Little Bluestem and Sideoats Grama), one short growing (up to 2 ft) warm season grass (Blue Grama) and one very short growing (less than a foot) warm season grass (Buffalograss).
Low Grow Grass Mixture
Low Grow Grass Mixture provides low maintenance and aesthetic value to your property!
LS Perennial Ryegrass Blend
LS Brand Perennial Ryegrass is One Tough Grass
Mazama Kentucky Bluegrass
Mazama (tested as A04-74) is a new elite, very dark green (tops in genetic color in 2016), dense and medium fine leaved variety, with very good turf quality and wear tolerance as demonstrated in the latest data from the current bluegrass NTEP trials.
MVS Stadium Mix
Now you can have the same high-quality seed that’s used on some of the country’s elite professional and collegiate sports fields. This mix contains some of the best performing Kentucky Bluegrass cultivars on the market. We also added a pinch of Perennial Ryegrass to help as a nurse plant due to the slower germination of Kentucky Bluegrass.
No Net Tall Fescue
Watch out for Jacklin’s NEW Flame spreading tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea).
Not Too Tall Wildflower Mixture
Not Too Tall Wildflower Mixture is the perfect height!
Oakley Creeping Bentgrass
In commemoration of the 2020 centennial anniversary of the Green Section, the USGA has partnered with Rutgers University and Mountain View Seeds to develop and release two unique new bentgrass varieties: Piper and Oakley.
Optimum Tall Fescue Blend
A-List Approved
PC 2.0 Creeping Bentgrass
Recommended seeding rate is 1.0 to 1.50 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. for new plantings and 0.1 to 0.25 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. for interseeding. for interseeding.
Penncross Creeping Bentgrass
Recommended seeding rate is 1.0 to 1.50 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. for new plantings and 0.1 to 0.25 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. for interseeding.
Piper Creeping Bentgrass
In commemoration of the 2020 centennial anniversary of the Green Section, the USGA has partnered with Rutgers University and Mountain View Seeds to develop and release two unique new bentgrass varieties: Piper and Oakley.
Piranha Creeping Bentgrass
Piranha is a new creeping bentgrass variety developed specifically to tolerate heat and a number of other stressors that destroy tees and greens resulting in costly repairs.
Providence Tall Fescue
Top NTEP* performer for overall turf quality
Pure Distinction Creeping Bentgrass
Pure Distinction is one of the latest advanced bentgrasses.
Pure Select Creeping Bentgrass
Produced by Oregon’s top growers, Tee-2-Green bentgrasses far exceed the standards of general certified seed. Our seed is free of Poa-annua, Poa trivialis, and all other noxious and unacceptable weed seeds.
Pure+ Creeping Bentgrass
PURE+ combines the latest bentgrass advancements of Pure Eclipse (next generation Penn A-1) and Pure Select (successor to Penn A-4).
Pureblue Kentucky Bluegrass Blend
Seeding rates typically range between 2-3 lbs./1,000 sq. ft (97-146 kg/ha). Fertilize at 3-4lb N/1000 sq. ft. /year. Recommended mowing height 0.5-2.5”. Can handle lower than 0.5” if desired. Irrigate deeply and frequently in absence of rainfall.
Raptor LS Tall Fescue
Raptor III is the next generation tall fescue in the highly successful Raptor line!
Rio Bermudagrass
Skye Kentucky Bluegrass
Toughest bluegrass on the market!
Snap Back RR Tall Fescue Blend
Snap Back RR Turf Type Fescue Blend will blow your hair back with fast establishment, dark green color and resilience against wear and tear!
Sod Grower II Kentucky Bluegrass Blend
Sod Grower II is a blend of top quality Kentucky bluegrass varieties specifically formulated to provide improved drought tolerance and low maintenance performance.
Spyder 2LS Tall Fescue
Make your neighbors green with envy with Spyder 2LS!