Kentucky Bluegrass
365ss Kentucky Bluegrass
A revolutionary new bluegrass blend that offers the best of what sports turf professionals demand.
Acoustic Kentucky Bluegrass
Acoustic (PPG-KB 1131) is a top performer in the NTEP trial overall mean quality.
After Midnight Kentucky Bluegrass
After Midnight is carrying on the Midnight tradition of excellent quality with improvements that make it even more versatile than the original.
Bewitched Kentucky Bluegrass
From Major League Baseball fields to municipal parks to backyards, Bewitched Kentucky Bluegrass has proven itself on a variety of “fields of play.”
Blue Note Kentucky Bluegrass
Compact America type bluegrass featuring excellent color, texture, density and shade tolerance under normal to moderate fertility management.
Everest Kentucky Bluegrass
Ranked near #1 against Microdochium pink snow mold, Typhula, leaf spot, spring melting out, anthracnose, leaf rust, stem rust, dollar spot, stripe smut, anthracnose, and summer patch
Fahrenheit 90 TX-Hybrid Kentucky Bluegrass
Texas Hybrid Kentucky Bluegrass
Mazama Kentucky Bluegrass
Mazama (tested as A04-74) is a new elite, very dark green (tops in genetic color in 2016), dense and medium fine leaved variety, with very good turf quality and wear tolerance as demonstrated in the latest data from the current bluegrass NTEP trials.
MVS Stadium Mix
Now you can have the same high-quality seed that’s used on some of the country’s elite professional and collegiate sports fields. This mix contains some of the best performing Kentucky Bluegrass cultivars on the market. We also added a pinch of Perennial Ryegrass to help as a nurse plant due to the slower germination of Kentucky Bluegrass.
Skye Kentucky Bluegrass
Toughest bluegrass on the market!
Sod Grower II Kentucky Bluegrass Blend
Sod Grower II is a blend of top quality Kentucky bluegrass varieties specifically formulated to provide improved drought tolerance and low maintenance performance.
Starr Kentucky Bluegrass
STARR Kentucky bluegrass (GO-2628) topped the charts at the 2017 NTEP Kentucky bluegrass trials.
Sure Shot Kentucky Bluegrass Blend
Sure Shot sets the standard for elite “low mow” Kentucky Bluegrasses.
Sure Shot R Bluegrass-Ryegrass Mixture
Sure Shot R is formulated to establish fast, furious and perform like no other bluegrass turf in the known world!