5-Iron Perennial Ryegrass Blend is the ultimate blend for golf courses as well as parks, cemeteries, home lawns and sports fields where 100% ryegrass is used. All varieties rank very high in their resistance to
Grey Leaf Spot as well as their overall turf quality, dark green color, seedling vigor and year >round density. 5-Iron has excellent wear tolerance and is an excellent companion with bluegrass. The varieties in 5-Iron also have high levels of endophytes which are beneficial in warding off above-ground chewing insects as well as giving the plant the ability to handle stress in hot and dry periods.
Contains: Apple 3GL, Fastball 3GL, Slugger 3GL, Stellar 4GL and Infusion Perennial Ryegrass (varieties subject to change)
Applications for Use: Athletic Fields, Parks, Golf Course Fairways, Home Lawns, Driving Ranges, High Traffic Areas, Nurse Crop and Over-seeding
Seeding Rates: New Seeding (bare ground): 7 LBS per 1,000 SQ FT Over-Seeding (into existing): 4 LBS per 1,000 SQ FT Over-Seeding (heavy use): 10 LBS per 1,000 SQ FT
Seeding Dates: March-May August- October December-February (dormant seeding)
Days to Germination: Perennial Ryegrass– 4-7 Days
Characteristics Color: Dark Green
Density: Excellent
Shade Tolerance: Fair
Drought Tolerance: Good
Wear Tolerance: Excellent
Mowing Height: Down to 1/2 inch
Leaf Texture: Fine
Spring Greenup: Excellent
Gray Leaf Spot Resistance: Excellent
*Proportions may vary between varieties and other varieties may be substituted.